Brand Ambassador Search
Some of your ambassador responsibilities will include the following:
Post on your social media platform (Instagram, Facebook) about Living Horses and our products / services at least once per week (photos, links, videos etc.) using #livinghorses #teamlivinghorses
Create your own posts to help promote
Be prepared to wear any promotional attire and display signage at events where appropriate.
Share the promo code we give you!
Spread the Living Horses name where you can, to promote word of mouth marketing!
Keep us up to date with your successes. Provide regular 1 -2 monthly updates including photos that we can share through social media/website/blog/emails.
You must always conduct yourself in a professional and friendly manner on all social medium platforms and when representing Living Horses out an about at competitions and training, and put your horses welfare first.
Any obscene language, bullying, negative or inappropriate photos or comments will warrant instant termination of your Ambassadorship.
You will receive a welcome pack full of goodies and a discount on products.
Surprise gifts throughout the year depending on performance
Discount codes to share with others.
First access to occasional new products for feedback and review.
Brand ambassadors will be featured with their own section on this website.
Tell us about your accomplishments and we will feature them on our website and social media accounts too.
Logo wear when available.
Advertising material to use at shows, competitions and events.
Ambassadorships will last to March 31st of each year. Ambassadors are invited to re-apply and extend their role at the end of the term..
There are no cash alternatives to being an ambassador.
As a member of #teamlivinghorses you will be expected to actively promote our products and services on your social media pages and via a monthly blog in return for branded merchandise and in some instances you may be sent products in exchange for a review.